Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is considering lending surveillance equipment to investigators to be used in the search for the marksman who has been terrorizing the Washington area for two weeks. The surveillance equipment in question would include Predator drones, the unmanned surveillance aircraft that have been used in Afghanistan for reconnaissance and, in some cases, combat missions. Also, it would include sensitive audio equipment for reconnaissance and, officials say, the possible use of a C-130 transport plane, although it wasn't known how the massive aircraft would be used. Military helicopters such as the renowned Black Hawk [ed: which of late has killed more american troops then the enemy] would also be flown, with infrared equipment Because laws are very strict [ed: quick, someone tell the whitehouse!] about the military getting involved in domestic police work, no U.S. soldiers would be active in the search. The soldiers might be used to operate the equipment, but officials are clear that whatever is decided upon would not violate the law that prohibits the military from engaging in law enforcement. Now I know this sounds paranoid, but does anyone else get the feeling that they really want us to feel comfortable with military operating on domestic soil? This is fast becoming one of my pet-fears. Soldiers in humvees with M16As currently partrol sections of my town, side by side with the police. Yes, I know I live right next to a nuclear power plant, and thats an extenuating circumstance, but it still makes my paranoia LEDs blink really fucking fast. And now this? It may sound like a good idea, but most bad ideas sound good when spun right and this is an easy spin. Everyone is scared to death of this fucker who got a little too into GTA3.. Let me make sure I got straight the precedent this is about to set: Soldiers cannot be deployed on domestic soil for police functions, unless they are operating equipment.. Ok. What the fuck do soldiers do these days other then operate equipment? I don't fear our military, I love our military, they rock! But I am starting to fear the current whitehouse administration. John "I wipe my ass with your rights" Ashcroft scares the shit out of me, I'm pretty sure Bush has tertiary syphilis, and Donald Rumsfeld reminds me too much of how I would act if I had his job. |