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RE: About John B. Wilson


RE: About John B. Wilson
by Elonka at 12:10 pm EST, Jan 24, 2005

Acidus wrote:
] ] Also, I do excellent webpage design using HTML, CSS,
] ] DHTML, Javascript, Java, etc.. Just browse around my
] ] webpages for various samples of my work.
] ... ... Excellent? ... ... Shit John... maybe for Geocities.
] Not to kick a guy when he is down (how often does a world
] famous artist email you out of the blue and say you are
] jumping at shadows?), but good christ you do not advertize
] webpage design on a website with MIDI music!

Heh, I agree, and I've often ragged at him about the music. For awhile I actually refused to visit his pages because I was so sick of the soundtrack.

Lack of color and music sense aside though, he does have a talent for coding, and has made more javascript crypto utilities than anyone else in my group. Also, did you take a look at his fractal stuff?

RE: About John B. Wilson

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