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RE: Guardian Unlimited | Together in electric dreams


RE: Guardian Unlimited | Together in electric dreams
by Shannon at 11:00 pm EST, Jan 18, 2005

Decius wrote:
] ] Martin and Ruth, aka Spike, the next big girl/boy duo (so
] ] they hope) add some synth and a new background vocal to
] ] the mix. He saves the song and she emails it to
] ] Polyphonic Human Media Interface who, within 24 hours,
] ] will tell them whether their song will be a hit. When the
] ] results arrive they hover over the 20in screen and click
] ] on the returned mail. There is a graph, showing a cluster
] ] of many dots, like a constellation, and somewhere in the
] ] cluster a red spot. The spot marks their song, not quite
] ] a bullseye, but still in the throng. "It's scored a
] ] seven," Ruth says, scanning down. "We're in. The record
] ] company will definitely meet us now." Their future
] ] suddenly looks a lot rosier.

I think the borg used something like this for their music.

RE: Guardian Unlimited | Together in electric dreams

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