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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The Great Disruption - Francis Fukuyama. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The Great Disruption - Francis Fukuyama
by Rattle at 12:01 am EST, Jan 17, 2005

] The shift to the information age has been accompanied by
] social disorder throughout the industrialized world. But
] new forms of stability may already be in the making.

This is an essay based on Fukuyama's book.

RE: The Great Disruption - Francis Fukuyama
by noteworthy at 2:15 am EST, Jan 17, 2005

Rattle wrote:
]] The shift to the information age has been accompanied
]] by social disorder throughout the industrialized world.
]] But new forms of stability may already be in the making.
] This is an essay based on Fukuyama's most recent book.

It is Fukuyama's work, but it is not his most recent work.

"The Great Disruption" was published in hardcover in June 1999, in paperback in June 2000. "Our Posthuman Future" was published in hardcover in April 2002, in paperback in May 2003. "State-Building" was published in May 2004. Most recently, he has written the foreword for the Global Corruption Report 2005, which will be published in March.

This was discussed here in September 2003 on the thread

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