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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: SOCOM wants Bibles. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

SOCOM wants Bibles
by noteworthy at 9:30 am EST, Dec 17, 2004

The items being purchased are 10,000 New International Version (NIV) Bibles with a custom-designed cover. The Bibles include Army-designed color photographs and text inserts.

War may be hell, but infowar is making a bid for heaven.

SOCOM wants Bibles
by Jeremy at 3:31 pm EST, Dec 18, 2004

The items being purchased are 10,000 New International Version (NIV) Bibles with a custom-designed cover. The Bibles include Army-designed color photographs and text inserts.

War may be hell, but infowar is making a bid for heaven.

SOCOM wants Bibles
by Rattle at 6:11 pm EST, Dec 18, 2004

The items being purchased are 10,000 New International Version (NIV) Bibles with a custom-designed cover. The Bibles include Army-designed color photographs and text inserts.

War may be hell, but infowar is making a bid for heaven.

"Guns, guns, guns, and the bible carved this nation out of the wilderness.." US Nation Building technique appears in full effect, for better, worse, or same.

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