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RE: VeRO: eBay's version of the DMCA ||


RE: VeRO: eBay's version of the DMCA ||
by skullaria at 12:08 am EST, Dec 6, 2004

dmv wrote:
] ] Verified Rights Owner Program (VeRO) is eBay's version of
] ] the DMCA. Acrording to eBay, "eBay's VeRO Program was
] ] developed to facilitate cooperation between eBay and
] ] rights owners protecting their intellectual property
] ] rights." In other words, eBay just gave a select group of
] ] business owners carte blanche control over who can sell
] ] on eBay and what they can sell. This special class of
] ] eBayers can shoot first and ask questions later.
] Interesting story. I think I agree with some of the comments
] about this having to be corrected by eBay or it will correct
] eBay. Choosing to adopt the principle of first sale or not is
] an important question for them -- do they expect to derive
] more as being an online authorized reseller, or is their real
] power from the small casual sellers.
] I expect that if this keeps up, they will realize it is better
] to be eBay than Amazon. Because if people are just looking
] for bargains as authorized by the manufacturer, there are
] plenty of places. eBay is about being able to buy that
] super-obscure thing that someone happened to have. When I win
] an corporate branded Hummer, I want to be able to list it and
] not have the company revoke it.

Chanel and Microsoft are some of the biggest Vero abusers. There's plenty though. Prosoft once Vero'ed one of my study guides as a copyright violation. No one had ever even SEEN my studyguide, so there's no way it could be a copyright violation - , it wasn't even finished! lol

Anyway, this is a pretty funny link about a seller, tabberone, that goes head to head with the VERO quick draws, you might enjoy it too. The latest big win was against Shabby Chic. Its QUITE interesting if you take the time to read it. See, Shabby Chic existed as a design style BEFFORE Rachel what's her name, ever registered it. Tabberone is my hero!

Ebay's Vero program is just f'ed up, but eBay could care less.

RE: VeRO: eBay's version of the DMCA ||

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