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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: What a Year for Tacky Taste in Tinseltown: Beck/Smith Hollywood's 2004 Tacky Taste Awards. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

What a Year for Tacky Taste in Tinseltown: Beck/Smith Hollywood's 2004 Tacky Taste Awards
by janelane at 11:50 pm EST, Dec 1, 2004

Now for your choices for the 15 Tackiest Entertainment
Celebrities of 2004:

1.) Britney Spears is the 2004 winner by a wide margin. As Nataliah of Virginia Beach, VA, pointed out, "In only a year, she has managed to achieve what it takes other celebrities YEARS to do such as: 1.) Having one of the shortest marriages, 2.) Beginning a world tour, then ending it with a screeching halt due to the "broken leg" excuseÂ…and less than 2 months later she was 3.) Getting married yet again! However, this time it was to her EX-BOYFRIEND'S backup dancer. She couldn't have Justin, so she settled for a lesser...much lesser version."

3.) Paris Hilton: Munnett in Los Angeles opined, "Paris might as well be a porn star," and added that the private sex video star/hotel fortune heiress is "a slut and stupid to top it off. Lucky for Paris most people are not normal any more, we are all a bunch of pretentious idiots. Yes, I include myself, I like that stupid Fox show Paris is on."

15.) R. Kelly: "I nominate R. Kelly for tacky and disgusting and scary entertainer of the year. Honestly, no one is more deserving. In between making endlessly cheesy songs chronicling his sex addictions and comparing women to cars, he finds time to stockpile enough child pornography to last through Armageddon." -- Melanie, Washington, DC

Just for the record, since these Awards are limited to Entertainment Personalities, we didn't include votes for politicians in our Top 15 tally. If we had, President George W. Bush would have come in 7th, ahead of Courtney Love, with Senator John Kerry in 13th place - behind Lil' Kim. And that would have been ridiculous!


[Grrr...memestreams quoting problems....]

Love that last paragraph. GWB is only twice as tacky as John Kerry -- {cough} Lurch from the Addams family {cough} -- but, upon reflection, that sounds about right.


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