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RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute


RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute
by k at 10:35 am EST, Nov 24, 2004

Rattle wrote:
] The 30 round clip is illegal in the states. When people use a
] SKS for hunting they use the 10 round clip in the
] configuration where the weapon loads from the top.. At least
] they should.

[ Good to know... ...]

] Regardless of firearm design, it is only usage that matters.
] Irresponsible people like this cause rights to be taken away.
] This idiot clearly had no respect for human life. This lack
] of respect did not come from the gun. As a responsible
] firearm owner, I want to see this guy spend the rest of his
] life in jail. Every time something like this happens, it
] reflects badly on gun owners. It would be nice to see him
] made an example of, and not the firearm, but I know that is
] not going to happen that way.

[ True, to a point. There *are* people who think it oughta be perfectly ok for them to own surface to air missiles and land mines and so on. I'm not really into that. Fundamentally though, you're right, ultimately it's everyone's responsibility to treat guns, and more importantly, other people, respectfully. The firearm itself can only influence how much damange someone can do when they decide to do so, but the victims are just as dead. ...]

] This article isn't bad. The way these things are usually
] handled, I expect to be seeing a picture of the firearm, not
] the suspect.

[ Actually, i've checked out 4 or 5 stories so far, hoping they'd have more information, and they all showed the guy, so far. Those were mostly local news type sites though, so the narrative may change when it gets picked up by the national media. -k]

RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute

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