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RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute


RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute
by Mike the Usurper at 4:12 am EST, Nov 24, 2004

Jello wrote:
] The SKS is not the same gun as the AK-47. It has a rifle
] grip, instead of a pistol grip. The one I played with was
] full auto, but that may have been a redneck modification.
] Both use 7.62 x 39 ammo.

Good point. Here's an SKS photo (only $150! a steal!)
and here's the AK-47

There are significant differences, I was incorrect. My bad. I still stick with the "not a hunting rifle notes for the reasons listed, the damn things rattle.

You are correct that they both use the same ammo, and I guarantee the full auto version you saw was a redneck mod. Full auto weapons are flat out illegal in the US without special permit under the National Firearms Act of 1934.

The large clips were banned under the 1994 crime bill which recently expired, although I am not sure if the clip size part was a section which expired. I know the "assault weapons ban" part did, and it is once again legal to buy brand new Ak-47s, Uzis and AR-15s (M-16s).

RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute

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