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RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute


RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute
by Lost at 1:37 am EST, Nov 24, 2004

Mike the Usurper wrote:
] k wrote:
] ] ] The shooting started when two hunters returning to their
] ] ] rural cabin saw the suspect in one of their hunting
] ] ] platforms in a tree, Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim
] ] ] Zeigle said. The platforms or "tree stands" allow hunters
] ] ] to see deer without being easily seen themselves.
] ] ]
] ] ] Both of those hunters were wounded and one of them
] ] ] radioed friends at the cabin a quarter-mile away. Other
] ] ] members of their group responded and they also were shot,
] ] ] he said.
] ] ]
] ] ] "It's absolutely nuts. Why? Over sitting in a tree
] ] ] stand?" asked Zeigle.
] ] ]
] ] ] Zeigle said the suspect was "chasing after them and
] ] ] killing them," with a SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle, a
] ] ] common hunting weapon. Wisconsin's statewide deer gun
] ] ] hunting season started Saturday and lasts for nine days.
] ]
] ] [ Wow. That's awesome.
] ]
] ] The article indicates that the SKS is a "common" gun for
] ] hunting, but perhaps someone who knows more about hunting
] can
] ] enlighten me... is it a rapid firing weapon? How much
] ammo?
] ] In other words, is it really ideal for deer, or is it better
] ] suited for what happened here?
] ]
] ] Sounds like someone never should have gotten a permit to me.
] ] -k]
] Well as someone who knows their guns (for no real reason), the
] SKS is the chinese designation for the AK-47. It's cheap,
] it's reliable, and no hunter I've EVER heard of uses the damn
] thing. It's noisy (yep, that works great with deer who bolt
] at a the sound of a snail farting 400 yards away) not very
] accurate at range. What it is good as is throwing up a ton of
] lead. Traditionally, they have something like a 20-30 round
] banana clip, and can unload the whole thing in a few seconds,
] although it's semi-automatic, not full auto. It's designed to
] kill people, not deer.
] Next question?

The SKS is not the same gun as the AK-47. The SKS was the predeccesor to the AK-47. It actually saw duty in WW2 against the Germans, in 1944. It has a rifle grip, instead of a pistol grip.

The one I played with was full auto, but that may have been a redneck modification. Both the AK and the SKS use 7.62 x 39 ammo.

The thing about the SKS and the AK-47, is that if you want a single weapon for about $100... that can hunt deer out to 200 yards, "defend" your home, and make your penis feel bigger, then these are it. Thats probably why the guy had it. They're cheap. They never ever ever jam, even if you fill them with sand and mud. They're reasonable accurate and powerful.

RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute

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