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RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute


RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute
by Mike the Usurper at 2:52 pm EST, Nov 23, 2004

k wrote:
] ] The shooting started when two hunters returning to their
] ] rural cabin saw the suspect in one of their hunting
] ] platforms in a tree, Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim
] ] Zeigle said. The platforms or "tree stands" allow hunters
] ] to see deer without being easily seen themselves.
] ]
] ] Both of those hunters were wounded and one of them
] ] radioed friends at the cabin a quarter-mile away. Other
] ] members of their group responded and they also were shot,
] ] he said.
] ]
] ] "It's absolutely nuts. Why? Over sitting in a tree
] ] stand?" asked Zeigle.
] ]
] ] Zeigle said the suspect was "chasing after them and
] ] killing them," with a SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle, a
] ] common hunting weapon. Wisconsin's statewide deer gun
] ] hunting season started Saturday and lasts for nine days.
] [ Wow. That's awesome.
] The article indicates that the SKS is a "common" gun for
] hunting, but perhaps someone who knows more about hunting can
] enlighten me... is it a rapid firing weapon? How much ammo?
] In other words, is it really ideal for deer, or is it better
] suited for what happened here?
] Sounds like someone never should have gotten a permit to me.
] -k]

Well as someone who knows their guns (for no real reason), the SKS is the chinese designation for the AK-47. It's cheap, it's reliable, and no hunter I've EVER heard of uses the damn thing. It's noisy (yep, that works great with deer who bolt at a the sound of a snail farting 400 yards away) not very accurate at range. What it is good as is throwing up a ton of lead. Traditionally, they have something like a 20-30 round banana clip, and can unload the whole thing in a few seconds, although it's semi-automatic, not full auto. It's designed to kill people, not deer.

Next question?

RE: ABC News: 5 Killed, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute

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