] Microsoft chairman Bill Gates receives four million ] emails a day, and is probably the most "spammed" person ] in the world. ] ] But unlike ordinary users, the software mogul has an ] entire department to filter unsolicited emails and only a ] few of them actually get through to his inbox, Microsoft ] chief executive Steve Ballmer said today. ] ] "Bill Gates (is number one) because he is Bill Gates. ] Bill literally receives four million pieces of email per ] day, most of it spam," Mr Balmer told a conference. ] ] "And so we have special technology which just filters ] (spam). Wow. Imagine software that *filters* email to avoid Spam. Truly, Microsoft is living on the cutting edge. But its true, I'm sure it is not a new thing to sign up Bill Gates to spam lists. He is the most obvious and enduring target. ] "Literally, there's a whole department, almost, that ] takes care of it." I'd like an anti-spam department. |