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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: ICANN, VeriSign, and the Swamp. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

ICANN, VeriSign, and the Swamp
by bucy at 3:54 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004

] ICANN has initiated arbitration [PDF] (before the ICC's
] International Court of Arbitration) against VeriSign
] under the .net Registry Agreement, seeking declaratory
] judgments that many things VeriSign has done or attempted
] to do over the years (Sitefinder, ConsoliDate, IDN, WLS,
] and stemming the abusive actions of shell registrars when
] they destructively query the registry for secondary
] market purposes) violate that agreement.

ICANN, VeriSign, and the Swamp
by Rattle at 4:42 pm EST, Nov 15, 2004

] ICANN has initiated arbitration [PDF] (before the ICC's
] International Court of Arbitration) against VeriSign
] under the .net Registry Agreement, seeking declaratory
] judgments that many things VeriSign has done or attempted
] to do over the years (Sitefinder, ConsoliDate, IDN, WLS,
] and stemming the abusive actions of shell registrars when
] they destructively query the registry for secondary
] market purposes) violate that agreement.

Public Trust vs. Business, the battle continues for the seminal tlds .com and .net.

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