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a claim of personal responsibility
by noteworthy at 11:26 am EDT, May 16, 2015


I think many Americans feel a sense of entitlement to the greatness of America. They wrap up our country's accomplishments, sprinkle on a bunch of stuff we didn't accomplish, pin it on their chest, and claim personal responsibility for it. They believe that they are personally great because they are Americans and America is great.

Steve Jobs:

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

The Economist:

America's preeminence is over.

Kai Wright:

If you grow up a poor child, you are very likely to be a poor adult. And today, four out of 10 black children live in poverty -- roughly double the national rate.

Rafil Kroll-Zaidi:

Among African-American men aged fifteen to forty-four, 88.7 percent of gun deaths are homicides; among white American men aged thirty-five to sixty-four, 89.2 percent of gun deaths are suicides.

Francis Fukuyama:

One of the most sobering graphs in Our Kids shows that while the proportion of young children from college-educated backgrounds living in single-parent families has declined to well under 10 per cent, the number has risen steadily for the working class and now stands at close to 70 per cent.

Lawrence Lessig:

We still have the power to fix our democracy.

We will, if you help.

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