NPD: According to the NPD Connected Intelligence Consumers and Wearables Report, 36 percent of fitness tracker owners in the US are 35-54 years old, 41 percent had an average income of more than $100,000, and 54 percent were women. One-in-ten U.S. adults now own a fitness tracker.
Paul Krugman: The [FitBit] spies on me all the time, and therefore doesn't let me lie to myself about my efforts.
Joan Didion: Self-deception remains the most difficult deception.
Paul Krugman: The truth is that nobody cares.
Liz Ryan: Resist the urge to say more about yourself. No one cares.
Paul Krugman: The rich already live in a kind of privatized surveillance state; now the opportunity to live in a gilded fishbowl is being (somewhat) democratized.
Danielle Kurtzleben: Only 1 percent of Americans consider themselves upper-class.
David Graeber: Today, in many municipalities, as much as 40% of the money governments depend on comes from the kinds of predatory policing that has become a fact of life for the citizens of Ferguson. Increasingly, cities find themselves in the business of arresting citizens in order to pay creditors. The wealthiest Americans gain their wealth, increasingly, not from making or selling anything, but from coming up with ever-more creative ways to make us feel like criminals.
John Oliver: No one cares. [Americans] don't give a shit. I think they will say, "I definitely do not care."