Do I put this under terrorism? [ I wouldn't phrase it that way, but I do consider this to be a pretty serious issue, and I'm of mixed minds on it. I disagree with the assessment of birth control as a form of abortion and, thus, of murder, but knowing that that's the connection being made, I understand their unwillingness to dispense the drugs. To me, however, that is an argument for them to choose a different job, not turn vigilante. Analogous to the manner in which a lawyer is beholden to the strictures of the law, even when they produce unwelcome results, the pharmacist must be able to perform their duties, as directed by a physician, and if they cannot, then I think they're in the wrong line of work. At any rate, I'm more interested in the results of the action. The danger being that in a small community, the free market solution of taking your prescription somewhere else may not be possible or may require driving hours out of your way. To the extent that the drugs are still available *somewhere* close by, the effect of this is probably small, but I fear that that is not the general case. I expect this to be a major theme in the next weeks and years. -k] |