Mitch Kapor, in 1993: Life in cyberspace seems to be shaping up exactly like Thomas Jefferson would have wanted.
James Comey: The first thing to do though is adopt an attitude of humility. I think we stand in the single greatest transformation in human history and anybody who stands here and says, "I know what five years from now looks like, I know what 10 years from now looks like, and therefore the FBI should be deployed and equipped in the following way," is arrogant and, in my view, foolish.
Mike Rogers, House Intelligence Committee Chairman: If anybody in the federal government tells you that they've got this figured out in terms of how to respond to an aggressive cyber attack, then tell me their names, because they shouldn't be there.
Mike Loukides: Whatever the future holds, it will be impossible to hold it back. And it won't be the modernist fantasy of the Jetsons. It might be unfortunate that the dream of progress turned out to be a fantasy, but we're better off building for a harsh reality than pretending that our fantasies will save us. Postmodern computing is about creating the tools for that disenchanted reality.