America's finest news source: With this groundbreaking new release, Apple has completely revolutionized the way we experience an ephemeral sense of wonder lasting no longer than several moments.
Michiru Hoshino: Oh! I feel it. I feel the cosmos!
Jerry Seinfeld, accepting a Clio: I love advertising, because I love lying. In advertising, everything is the way you wish it was. I don't care that it won't be like that when I actually get the product being advertised, because, in between seeing the commercial and owning the thing, I'm happy, and that's all I want.
Randall Munroe: What if I want something more than the pale facsimile of fulfillment brought by a parade of ever-fancier toys? To spend my life restlessly producing instead of sedately consuming? Is there an app for that?
Caterina Fake: Much more important than working hard is knowing how to find the right thing to work on.