After screaming for years about the PATRIOT Act... Democrats, protective of the Obama administration, are less critical of the NSA; 37 percent say it “goes too far,” for example, vs. 47 percent of Republicans and 51 percent of independents. And Democrats are a broad 18 points less likely than Republicans and independents to think the NSA intrudes unjustifiably on some Americans’ privacy rights.
On the other hand.. Conservatives, and especially strong conservatives, are much more likely than moderates or liberals to think the NSA intrudes on privacy without justification.
I wonder what those conservatives thought about the NSA back in 2006... In 2006, 75 percent of Republicans said the NSA program was "acceptable."
Most Americans trust the leaders of the party they are affiliated with, and their opinion on civil liberties issues flip-flops depending on whether or not a member of their party is in the Whitehouse. This is why we can't have a rational political dialog about anything. People in America believe what their party leadership tells them to believe. |