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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: 4Access Communication is licensing Stripe Snoop!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

4Access Communication is licensing Stripe Snoop!
by Acidus at 9:31 pm EDT, Oct 28, 2004

4Access Communcations (, an innovative company who builds Point of Sale devices running Linux, have entered into an agreement with me to license the Parsing and Database technology of Stripe Snoop.

They will fund porting this functionality of Stripe Snoop to a linkable library running on uClinux. Under the terms of the negotiated contract, I retain full ownership and copyright to Stripe Snoop, and the ported library. This library will be released under the LGPL, for 4Access Communcations, and everyone elses, use, both commerical and non-commerical.

Further, I am funded to write a program to read from a magstripe device (/dev/msr), and demonstrate how the library is used. Under the terms of the contract, this program will be released under the GPL.

RE: 4Access Communication is licensing Stripe Snoop!
by Palindrome at 10:59 pm EDT, Oct 28, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] 4Access Communcations (, an
] innovative company who builds Point of Sale devices running
] Linux, have entered into an agreement with me to license the
] Parsing and Database technology of Stripe Snoop.
] They will fund porting this functionality of Stripe Snoop to a
] linkable library running on uClinux. Under the terms of the
] negotiated contract, I retain full ownership and copyright to
] Stripe Snoop, and the ported library. This library will be
] released under the LGPL, for 4Access Communcations, and
] everyone elses, use, both commerical and non-commerical.
] Further, I am funded to write a program to read from a
] magstripe device (/dev/msr), and demonstrate how the library
] is used. Under the terms of the contract, this program will be
] released under the GPL.


RE: 4Access Communication is licensing Stripe Snoop!
by k at 9:38 am EDT, Oct 29, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] 4Access Communcations (, an
] innovative company who builds Point of Sale devices running
] Linux, have entered into an agreement with me to license the
] Parsing and Database technology of Stripe Snoop.
] They will fund porting this functionality of Stripe Snoop to a
] linkable library running on uClinux. Under the terms of the
] negotiated contract, I retain full ownership and copyright to
] Stripe Snoop, and the ported library. This library will be
] released under the LGPL, for 4Access Communcations, and
] everyone elses, use, both commerical and non-commerical.
] Further, I am funded to write a program to read from a
] magstripe device (/dev/msr), and demonstrate how the library
] is used. Under the terms of the contract, this program will be
] released under the GPL.

[ Congrats! -k]

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