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RE: Please nuke my city and every dirty car driving SOB in it.


RE: Please nuke my city and every dirty car driving SOB in it.
by Lost at 4:56 pm EDT, Oct 22, 2004

biochik007 wrote:
] Jello wrote:
] ] biochik007 wrote:
] ] ] Jello wrote:
] ] ] ] ] I take a right down North Avenue, and as it is a steep
] ] ] ] ] hill, I am going about 30mph as I approach the
] ] ] ] ] intersection of Courtland and North. A car pulls out
] in
] ] ] ] ] front of me without seeing me. It is scary. I slam on
] ] the
] ] ] ] ] brakes, and then continue to coast through the
] ] ] ] ] intersection. The car behind that one decides that he
] ] can
] ] ] ] ] make it, because he does not see me, because he is not
] ] ] ] ] looking for a bike, and comes within three feet of
] ] ] ] ] T-boning me before he slams on the brakes.
] ] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] ] Two lights up, a winnebago is tailgaiting me about 10
] ] ] ] ] feet behind me, and honks. I dutifully give him the
] ] ] ] ] finger over my right shoulder. An Atlanta PD car
] ] ] ] ] immediately pulls up beside me, and yells not to do
] ] that.
] ] ] ] ] I yell sorry back. I decide that he does not notice
] the
] ] ] ] ] "**** the Republican Party" sticker across the front
] of
] ] ] ] ] my green army helmet.
] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] Atlanta is the WORST city to bicycle in, in America.
] All
] ] ] ] those angry hour long commuters rushing to escape the
] city
] ]
] ] ] to
] ] ] ] their racially pure suburbs really don't "have time" for
] a
] ]
] ] ] ] bicycle to share the road with them. Most suburbanites
] ] ] aren't
] ] ] ] even aware that you have all the legal rights in the
] ] street
] ] ] ] that they do.
] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] I swear to god, after today I'd almost like to pack heat
] ] ] when
] ] ] ] I go out on my bike... if this wouldn't garuantee that
] I'd
] ]
] ] ] ] flip out and pop some caps in the tires of offending
] cars.
] ]
] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] If you drive regularly in the city of Atlanta when you
] do
] ] ] not
] ] ] ] have to, I just want to extend a warm FUCK YOU. Jello
] had
] ] a
] ] ]
] ] ] ] bad day.
] ] ] ]
] ] ] ] I'm not gonna ride for distance in the daytime anymore.
] ] Its
] ] ]
] ] ] ] only safe after 8-9pm.
] ] ]
] ] ] Dude sorry to hear about the bad day, and yes Atlanta is
] the
] ]
] ] ] WORST city to bike in, and its not much better to drive
] in,
] ] ] with all the turkeys that are out there. God forbid there
] is
] ] a
] ] ] wreck or something on the side of the road, then traffic
] is
] ] ] just tied up pretty much for hours bc of stupid idiots
] ] ] gawking!! Its like "get a life, dumbass!" (not you jello)
] ] the
] ] ] idiots!! ;)
] ]
] ] The sad thing is that we are unable to come together as a
] ] community and do anything about our problems. Its only
] gonna
] ] get worse.
] I know, and thats the sucky part, that its only going to get
] worse, not better :(

So stop driving.

RE: Please nuke my city and every dirty car driving SOB in it.

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