Neko Case is what happens when punk rock goes country. Needless to say, it's a beautiful thing. Rhapsody says: "Neko Case bridges the gap between honest-to-gosh country music and Alt Country with a voice that could make a dog cry." All Music Guide says: "Her big, bold, but silky smooth voice is a thing of beauty. She has won a steadily growing cult audience for her smoky, sophisticated vocals and the downcast beauty of her music." About her latest album, Blacklisted, Amazon says: "Neko Case's third solo effort is a moody, atmospheric affair that both satisfies and mystifies. Recorded in Tucson with a stellar band, Blacklisted charms you with its haunting, reverb-soaked songs, most of which were written by Case herself." "The overall mood of the album is one of loss and melancholy. Soaring above it all is Case's remarkable Patsy Cline-meets-Judy Garland voice, which she uses to great effect." |