] How's this for a feud that straddles the line between ] politics and entertainment: CNN's bow-tied conservative ] Tucker Carlson vs. "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart. ] ] ] Carlson on Monday fanned embers still hot from their ] "Crossfire" confrontation, saying Stewart looked ] ridiculous during his CNN appearance and was a sellout ] for publicly backing Democrat John Kerry for president. [ Waahhhh! Wahhhhhh! Carlson got his ass handed to him, and he just can't handle it. Begala did too, but he's apparently decided to shut his trap. Tucker whips out a standard Republican tactic -- if you can't win on substance, attack your opponents credibility, on whatever thin grounds you can, and repeat that you've won until the media echo chamber is in sync. Whine all you want, Tucker, you lost. A lot. On your home court. Because, well, Jon's much smarter than you. Jon showed up on Crossfire to make a serious point about the farce that major news media has become, to ask the hosts to take their responsibility more seriously. He got insulted for it, and then turned up the heat. Carlson apparently didn't know that heckling a professional comic is the surest way to get completely decimated -- he did, and so, he was. -k] |