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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Rice: Pakistani Nuke Scientist was 'brought to justice'. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Rice: Pakistani Nuke Scientist was 'brought to justice'
by Acidus at 7:32 pm EDT, Oct 3, 2004

] Rice said Bush did not misspeak when he said that the
] network of Pakistan's A.Q. Khan -- the founder of
] Pakistan's nuclear program who was caught selling secrets
] on the global black market -- had been "brought to
] justice."
] Khan is living in a villa and was pardoned this year by
] Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. None of Khan's
] co-conspirators have been brought to trial.
] Asked how that could be interpreted to mean Khan has been
] brought to justice, Rice said, "He has been brought to
] justice because he's out of business."

Come on! And Sadam, with almost half his country under a no fly zone and a military crumpled after 13+ years of conflict was in business? I call a fat steamy pile of BS on this one. If this doesn't show how fucked up the Bush Administrations priorities are, I don't know what does.

RE: Rice: Pakistani Nuke Scientist was 'brought to justice'
by noteworthy at 7:52 pm EDT, Oct 3, 2004

Acidus wrote:
]] Rice said Bush did not misspeak when he said that the
]] network of Pakistan's A.Q. Khan -- the founder of
]] Pakistan's nuclear program who was caught selling secrets
]] on the global black market -- had been "brought to
]] justice."
]] Khan is living in a villa and was pardoned this year by
]] Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. None of Khan's
]] co-conspirators have been brought to trial.
]] Asked how that could be interpreted to mean Khan has been
]] brought to justice, Rice said, "He has been brought to
]] justice because he's out of business."
] Come on!

This one caught my attention during the debate. I was rather surprised Kerry didn't pounce on it during the next response. Maybe he hadn't followed the A.Q. Khan story closely. Anyone who did would have balked at Bush's assertion of "justice" served in the Khan case.

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