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RE: Question of the day


RE: Question of the day
by skullaria at 11:08 am EDT, Oct 1, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] Decius wrote:
] ] Acidus wrote:
] ] ] Hnery David Thoreau.
] ]
] ] What about him?
] Well, Thoreau is a perfect example for your question. Granted,
] his view was not the majority view, but Thoreau was very
] against the Mexican War. He felt the war was very wrong and
] that the reasons for the war given by the President were shady
] or down right lies. He considered the whole business immoral,
] and refused to pay his taxes to support an unjust war. He got
] thrown in prison for a night, before Ralph Wlado Emerson payed
] the debt for him. He profoundly influenced non-violent
] protestors around the world, including Ghandi and MLK Jr.
] While it doesn't answer your question, it does show a way
] people have dealt with it in our past.

The problem is that now, you don't pay your taxes you lose your home, face crazy high interest charges, and go to jail for a lot more than a night.

We are so free in Amerika.

RE: Question of the day

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