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RE: Debate


RE: Debate
by Vile at 12:47 pm EDT, Oct 1, 2004

k wrote:
] John Kerry is this country's intellect. George Bush is our
] heart.
Intellect my ass. Just because he is a better liar than Bush doesn't make him an intellectual. It makes him a democrat.

] Kerry is right, in a moral sense, that we need more people in
] Iraq to secure the country.

Shades of Lyndon B. Johnson. I guess we can expect twenty thousand dead and countless more wounded and crippled by the time some future president pulls us out as an election year gesture.

If we really care about Iraq, we
] need to secure it. At the same time, the costs and risks that
] this entails are staggering. Are we really prepared for this
] commitment? This is the draft.

Yuppers. Every democrat votes to put our children in harms way. At least Bush deployed people who WANTED to reap the benefits of out military during peacetime and then bitched about giving us something back when they were needed. Momma's, don't let your babies grow up to be soldiers! Work hard so your rotten progeny can go to college.

] John Edwards sounds like a fucking redneck.

And you seem like a typical smarmy elitist yankee liberal. This is the most worthless veiw on the debate I have seen yet. K, give it up and have the decency to post a link to a true pundit who has more than a rudimentary view of political science.

If they can connect with [the religious right] over the next few cycles they'll
] control the country, and it will become a very uncomfortable
] place for multiculturalist intellectuals from the big city.

You call 'em multi-culturalist intellectuals. I call them thought-police as oppressive and offensive as any of the so-called religious right. What political correctness has done to shut down about half of the brain of our collective consciousness is staggering and it seems there is little hope of going back. By the way, there are less of these "multi-culturalist intellectuals from the big city" than there are those who actually make our nation great: the working class. It is upon their backs that the nation functions and yet, the "tolerant" multi-cultural intellectuals (which means white guilt filtered through isolationist elitism, a distinct product of upper class WASPS) do nothing but attack the sensibilities of those who simply want to work hard to make America great. Your statement is offensive.

The visibility of Edwards during these debates might change that.
] Thats really Kerry's best hope.

Well, Edwards will have to do something about his stupidity, his past as a scumbag trial lawyer and that herpe on his lip.

] People with pickup trucks vote for Bush. The Dems need to figure ]out what core cultural identities they are going to connect with. ]The intellectual elite is not large enough to win elections on its
]own. They need to tie themselves to core American identities.

Isn't it ironic that the poor vote for Republicans while a self-proclaimed class of intellectuals vote for allegedly poor-fostering Democrats? And, by the way, some of us intellectuals are not fooled by Democrat party rhetoric. For you to hold yourself in such a high opinion really makes me feel you need a second opinion. Not everyone live in NYC (Neither do you, even). and even in that city, not EVERYONE is a conformist Democrat. Free thought still lives, not among the "intellectual elite," but definitely among those of us with a brain in our head that thinks on an auto-didactic level. You are merely a product of your professors. They must not have been that great, eh?

] Decius is even handed, though I may disagree on how much
] pity i owe Bush, or that he represents our Heart in any true
] sense, but this is a very realistic assessment.

That is because you are not even-handed at all, k. In fact, you are a total idiot who runs off of pure emotion without an intellectual thought to back yourself up.
] Bush looked exhausted and petulant last night, and came off as
] if even he had tired of repeating the same lines over and over
] again.

Maybe he figures that if the public doesn't get it by now, then they never will. As far as being exhausted and petulant, that makes me very happy to see. It shows that he is obviously working hard instead of windsurfing and figuring out ways to enact the draft.

Kerry wasn't mindblowing, but he was confident,
] unfazed and heartfelt, which was more than enough last night.
] -k]

Heartfelt? Wow. The guy is about as heartfelt as Frankenstein. It may have been "more than enough" for you, but were you seriously thinking about voting for anyone else? Nope. So please accept this criticism of your flawed thinking process. Preaching to the converted usually goes over pretty well, in the church at least.

RE: Debate

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