Decius wrote: ] k wrote: ] ] ] [ I'm fucking out of here if we get to the point where ] ] religious lunacy becomes law. -k] ] ] Have you read the republican party platform? Its in my ] memestream. ] ] 1. Gay marriage amendment. ] 2. Abortion amendment. ] 3. Change to the interpretation of the constitution impacting ] the ability of courts to nullify unconstitutional laws. ] 4. Prayer in schools. ] 5. Ten commandments on court house walls. ] ] On the bright side, Marie and I found some really nice, cheap, ] lake view, downtown apartments in Toronto. :) [ Yeah, but thankfully they haven't gotten any of those things through yet. I'm saying if they do, then curse. I'm with you though, fuck it, i hear toronto is pretty rad and at least i might get some health care or something. -k] RE: Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart Threatens To Kill Gays |