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RE: The real inspiration for Islamic Terrorism? Boredom


RE: The real inspiration for Islamic Terrorism? Boredom
by flynn23 at 11:10 am EDT, Sep 13, 2004

IconoclasT wrote:
] flynn23 wrote:
] ] ] The threat to the country is very real. The large pool of
] ] ] idle youth has allowed Islamic fundamentalists to find
] ] ] easy recruits. Saudi sources say that many of the
] ] ] insurgents were in their early teens.
] ]
] ] Since the early 90s, I've always compared Islamic
] ] fundamentalistic terrorism with the punk movement. It seems
] ] apropriate.
] You could also apply the same thinking to inner city crime or
] even cow tipping (to a lesser extent). Poverty, boredom and
] repression can all produce pretty similar symptoms when
] combined with other socioeconomic factors. Luckily, fully
] automatic weapons are a bit less plentiful here than there.

inner city crime and cow tipping are not seeking to destroy current establishments. Boredom coupled with poverty and repression mixed with youth (part energy and part naivete) is the perfect combination for revolution.

The bottom line is that when there's nothing for you in the current system because it's all been sucked out by everyone before you, then you will do whatever it takes to destroy that system provided you are not distracted.

RE: The real inspiration for Islamic Terrorism? Boredom

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