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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: seanbonner: Facing the WTC. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

seanbonner: Facing the WTC
by Decius at 10:09 am EDT, Jul 22, 2004

] Russell Simmons owns a loft facing ground zero. Since 9/11
] there's been extremely limited access to the building,
] but this morning our good friend, photographer Glen E.
] Friedman get in for a few minutes to make a statement
] which will be up through the RNC. Here's a bunch of
] pictures from inside and out.

The who of this is as interesting as the what. Kick ass loft. Got to be a few million.

seanbonner: Facing the WTC
by Rattle at 11:16 am EDT, Jul 22, 2004

] Russell Simmons owns a loft facing ground zero. Since 9/11
] there's been extremely limited access to the building,
] but this morning our good friend, photographer Glen E.
] Friedman get in for a few minutes to make a statement
] which will be up through the RNC. Here's a bunch of
] pictures from inside and out.

The who of this is as interesting as the what. I want this guy's loft!

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