"To get an idea of the explanatory power of Novelty Theory, take a look at The Time Wave and History, a large file which shows the full sweep of the Time Wave across several million years, right up to the Omega point." The X-files ends by predicting the end of the world in 2012. The Mayan calendar ends on the Winter Solstice 2012, at a moment of alignment between the sun and the milky way which only occurs every 25,800 years. I did more digging and found an even cooler theory. Drug "researcher" Terrence McKenna (who saddly appears to have passed away two years ago) developed a complex mathmatical theory of a fractal "time wave" based on the I Ching in which "novelty" becomes increasingly common in waves until 2012 at which time the world ends. This site explains the whole thing (and also has an explaination of the Mayan calendar). The "smiley bomber" tracked by many memestreamers predicted the end of the world in 2011... Must have been a typo. |