There are several mobile internet browsers available to us all nowadays depending on the choice of smartphone we make. Microsoft have been working hard to produce a number of Windows Phone 7 devices each running the Mango OS, which recently received an update including a WP7 version of IE9. Today we have news from a review comparing it to the iPhone iOS 5 with HTML5. It appears that although the Mango update is something Microsoft should and can be very proud of, in terms of speed Safari in iOS 5 was shown in tests to surpass the IE Mobile 9. We previously brought you news comparing the results of a speed test which compared Apple’s iOS 4.3 browser against Google’s Android devices. Results revealed that the Android devices’ browsers were loading 52% faster than the Apple’s iOS. We also compared the latest browsers across three platforms including Firefox 4, Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome 10 in order to establish which one our readers found was the best. The result showed most readers preferred Firefox 4. After the Mango update, tests on IE9 in WP7 revealed a different set of results to when it was previously tested. The device was bringing up 25 frames per second compared to the Apple iOS and Android devices which were only managing less than 10. WinRumours’ Tom Warren also reported that Safari iOS 5 had surpassed IE9 previous results closing 31 frames per second. After further tests since the update those at The Next Web found that IE9 Mango was clocking 25 frames per second at the lowest and up to 45 frames per second, the device they used managed 41 frames per second. Proof of the results can be found in the images which were taken. Click the link above to see for yourself. These were inconclusive however as after running the Speed Reading test several more times, TNW were unable to get a reading higher than 32 frames per second, proving that the IE Mobile 9 speeds are quite variable. Also these results are all beta build tests meaning we would have to wait for the release of the actual builds before gaining conclusive results. Check out the full article for more details on what TNW found. What do you think of these results? Does the Speed Readings matter to you when choosing a mobile device? Follow Us - Twitter | Like Us - Facebook | Follow Us - Digg | |