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Saudi friend pleads on internet for life of kidnapped American
by Elonka at 1:41 pm EDT, Jun 17, 2004

] RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - A Saudi calling himself "the
] believer" and a friend of Paul Johnson Jr. went to
] Internet sites known for extremist Islamic postings to
] make a religious plea for the captured American's life.
 . . .
] In his Internet posting, a man identified as Saad
] al-Mu'men said his friendship bestowed a protection on
] Johnson other Muslims cannot violate. If Johnson was
] harmed, al-Mu'men told the kidnappers, "I will never
] forgive you. I will curse you in all my prayers."
] Al-Mu'men - a pseudonym meaning "the believer" - pointed
] to a saying by Islam's Prophet Muhammad: "If they were
] granted (Muslim) protection, then killing or taking their
] money or harming them is forbidden."
 . . .
] Al-Mu'men said he was a colleague of Johnson but did not give
] any details about his job. He said he often invited Johnson
] over for dinner or and gave books on Islam as presents.
] The letter was posted late Wednesday on web sites where
] al-Qaida members and other Islamic militants post messages.
] It was subsequently posted on the web site of the Arab satellite
] television channel Al-Arabiya.

As Johnson is a friend of my family, I am following this story closely. Though "closely" may not be the right word, since sometimes I find myself almost afraid to turn on the news, for fear that I'll just be reading about his death.

I know that Johnson was in Saudi of his own free will, so he had to know that there were some risks involved -- it's just so damn frustrating that of all the Americans to have been kidnapped, that someone as sympathetic to Islam as he was would be one of the people targeted. I have to wonder if he's been able to talk to his captors at all, to "speak their language", to establish any kind of connection.

And in the meantime, all I can do is wait. And hope . . .

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