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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: EE Times -BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

EE Times -BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life
by k at 12:31 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2004

] "Synthetic biology" is the blanket term for a
] multidisciplinary attempt to identify a class of standard
] operational components that can be assembled into
] functioning molecular machines.

[ This is the stuff right here... anyone w/ interest in nano or bio tech would probably enjoy this article. Very compelling... -k]

EE Times -BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life
by Rattle at 7:01 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2004

] Leaders of a new movement are kicking
] off the first Synthetic Biology 1.0 conference at the
] Massachussets Institute of Technology this week.
] "Synthetic biology" is the blanket term for a
] multidisciplinary attempt to identify a class of standard
] operational components that can be assembled into
] functioning molecular machines.
] Central to that effort is the ability to isolate discrete
] biomolecular mechanisms and define standard interfaces
] for them so that they can be assembled in much the same
] way as electronic circuits. This confluence of computer
] science and biology is so remarkable that this new
] movement rises to the level of moon shot initiatives: to
] reverse-engineer life itself.

] "Biology is the nanotechnology that works."

There is a redundant post from Dr. Nanochick not displayed in this view.
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