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RE: Query: Good Rolling Stones, Paint it Black covers?


RE: Query: Good Rolling Stones, Paint it Black covers?
by Shannon at 3:48 am EDT, Jun 8, 2004

Decius wrote:
] Does anyone know of a good cover of Paint it Black by the
] Rolling Stones? This is a brilliant song, one of my all time
] favorites, but when I listen to it the 1960's instrument and
] production technology always bothers me. The frequency
] spectrum isn't fully utilized. A modern Industrial or Metal
] band could take this song and really fill up the sound-space
] with it. I wonder if anyone has?
] I did some digging on Google but I mostly came up with
] questionable references to songs that did not seem to be
] commercially available.
] Anyone know of anything?

There is a Residents cover...but somehow I don't think thats what your looking for.

RE: Query: Good Rolling Stones, Paint it Black covers?

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