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RE: St. Paul Pioneer Press | Moore gets a dose of his own


RE: St. Paul Pioneer Press | Moore gets a dose of his own
by oaknet at 6:32 am EDT, Jun 6, 2004

Decius wrote:
] ] Twin Cities filmmaker Mike Wilson's upcoming "Michael
] ] Moore Hates America" details his unsuccessful attempts to
] ] interview Moore, the director who won an Oscar two years
] ] ago for "Bowling for Columbine." Moore's earlier film,
] ] "Roger and Me," detailed his own failed attempts to
] ] interview General Motors honcho Roger Smith.
] ]
] ] Wilson says his documentary tries to point out the biases
] ] behind Moore films such as "Bowling" and the highly
] ] anticipated "Fahrenheit 9/11," which will be released
] ] June 25 and which Wilson has not seen. He says it's not
] ] only a response to Moore but also to others who have
] ] added to "the shrillness that has engulfed the American
] ] conversation."

I don't suppose Disney are paying for this, by any chance? :)

I look forward to seeing this, though intellectually such an ad hominem attack is a weak form of argument, tantamount to accepting defeat on the real issues. It looks like someone saying "Mike Moore has a point of view!" Scary. Unpatriotic even? But as someone once said, "Bring it on..."

RE: St. Paul Pioneer Press | Moore gets a dose of his own

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