Decius: Filters make editorial decisions, therefore: More filter transparency is desirable. I'd like to be able to view searches through a collection of preset filters or lenses. For example, being able to switch back and forth between a personalized and generic result list might be interesting.
Consider the following new Twitter feature: Twitter has begun rolling out a new feature that lets users view the world through another perspective, specifically through the perspective of other specific people on Twitter. The new feature will appear on the /following page of any profile on the site and will display the most recent messages from the Twitter users that a profile owner is following. The page currently just shows who they are following. In other words: if you look at my profile on Twitter you can see not only who I am following but you can also see Twitter as I see Twitter. This might seem like a small change, but philosophically it's a big one.
RE: The Fallacy of the 'The Filter Bubble' |