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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: The New York Times Business:World Business:War and Abuse Do Little to Harm U.S. Brands. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

The New York Times Business:World Business:War and Abuse Do Little to Harm U.S. Brands
by dmv at 7:36 pm EDT, May 9, 2004

] For a variety of reasons, American companies that sell
] globally say that they have so far experienced little if
] any disruption from discontent over the war in Iraq. For
] the most part, consumers around the world seem as likely
] to be influenced by economic conditions as by politics.
] And, in a display of the growing sophistication in
] marketing big American brands in global markets, many
] people see products originating from the United States as
] firmly rooted in their own home nations.

It is by this that the rise of the global corporate nation-states will begin. :)

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