] Grad School Barbie is anatomically correct to teach kids ] about the exciting changes that come with pursuing a ] higher education. Removable panels on Barbie's head and ] torso allow you to watch as her cerebellum fries to a ] crispy brown, her heart race 150 beats per minute, and ] her stomach lining gradually dissolve into nothing. ] Barbie comes with specially designed eye ducts: just add ] a little water and watch Grad School Barbie burst into ] tears at random intervals. Deluxe Grad School Barbie ] comes with a "Snap" button, bendable arms and legs, and a ] small vibrating motor. Press the button to watch Barbie ] crumple into the fetal position and tremble ] uncontrollably. Fun for the whole family! This is just damned funny......(/me bursts into tears) ;) Nano |