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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Future Thoughts. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Future Thoughts
by Acidus at 7:04 pm EDT, Apr 15, 2004

As I watch the "real world" outside of college, I get more and more concerned. In the 70s and 80s, it was factory and other blue collar jobs that were being outsourced, crippling towns like Flint MI. Today its High Tech jobs going over seas to India. So what do we have left? What is one thing America really does well? Innovate. We have our intellectual capital left: our inventors and engineers. The only problem is we are destroying that industry as well. The DMCA, the Economic Espionage Act, and other laws are forcing a current generation to stop being curious. Take any examples you want: playfair, decss, Diebold voting. SDMI showed us universities are not completely safe either. We are selling our next generation of inventors and engineers short. How do we create the new inventions of tomorrow without understanding the inventions of today? We are bankrupting our long term future to protect the short term profits of bloated companies. This will cost us jobs. Not because the Japanese make it smaller or better, not because the Indians or Chinese can do it cheaper or faster, but because we are passing laws to feed greed.

RE: Future Thoughts
by skullaria at 7:16 am EDT, May 3, 2004

This worries me tremendously.

My employer cut its IT/CS program this year due to decreasing enrollment.

Banks, Accounting firms, Security firms, and Credit Card companies are also outsourcing.

I think its undermining not only the current and future growth of intellectual capital, but perhaps our national security.

I am extremely worried about it.

Acidus wrote:
] As I watch the "real world" outside of college, I get more and
] more concerned. In the 70s and 80s, it was factory and other
] blue collar jobs that were being outsourced, crippling towns
] like Flint MI. Today its High Tech jobs going over seas to
] India. So what do we have left? What is one thing America
] really does well? Innovate. We have our intellectual capital
] left: our inventors and engineers. The only problem is we are
] destroying that industry as well. The DMCA, the Economic
] Espionage Act, and other laws are forcing a current generation
] to stop being curious. Take any examples you want: playfair,
] decss, Diebold voting. SDMI showed us universities are not
] completely safe either. We are selling our next generation of
] inventors and engineers short. How do we create the new
] inventions of tomorrow without understanding the inventions of
] today? We are bankrupting our long term future to protect the
] short term profits of bloated companies. This will cost us
] jobs. Not because the Japanese make it smaller or better, not
] because the Indians or Chinese can do it cheaper or faster,
] but because we are passing laws to feed greed.

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