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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Bob Barr on Gay marriage. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Bob Barr on Gay marriage
by Acidus at 10:30 am EST, Mar 31, 2004

] "I don't think it's the function of Congress to monkey
] around with state court jurisdiction," Barr said in
] testimony that put him at odds with Judiciary Committee
] Republicans looking back from the dais.

] Once a state sets its own definition of marriage, Barr
] said, "I think the role of Congress is nil."

Oh my God. I agree *with* Bob Barr? .... [Head Explodes]

RE: Bob Barr on Gay marriage
by skullaria at 7:22 am EDT, May 3, 2004

Bob Barr has become quite a champion for the ACLU.
He was right in there with Academic Librarians in Criticizing the Patriot Act.

For a Republican, he was also a good Congressman. If you had a problem all you had to do was write. If any government injustice was taking place, he'd look into it.

All this coming from a COMPLETE liberal, mind you. He makes my head explode too, but he's been very active in promoting civil rights and electronic rights as well.

Acidus wrote:
] ] "I don't think it's the function of Congress to monkey
] ] around with state court jurisdiction," Barr said in
] ] testimony that put him at odds with Judiciary Committee
] ] Republicans looking back from the dais.
] ] Once a state sets its own definition of marriage, Barr
] ] said, "I think the role of Congress is nil."
] Oh my God. I agree *with* Bob Barr? .... [Head Explodes]

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