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RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly


RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly
by Jeremy at 12:01 am EST, Mar 21, 2004

Jeremy wrote:
] Saudi Arabia is never far from the mind of Al Qaeda. A Kerry
] win in November could pose great dangers for the House of Saud
] and present new opportunities for Al Qaeda to achieve its
] original, primary goal.

Decius wrote:
] Do you mind expanding on this. How would Kerry impact our
] relationship with Saudi Arabia?

Take a look at the Op-Ed that Kerry wrote in December 2003, right at the time the first attempt was made on Musharraf's life. It's titled "Winning War on Terror Requires Reconsideration of Saudi Alliance."

You can find it linked on my blog.

RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly

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