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RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly


RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly
by Decius at 11:01 pm EST, Mar 20, 2004

Jeremy wrote:
] Saudi Arabia is never far from the mind of Al Qaeda. A Kerry
] win in November could pose great dangers for the House of Saud
] and present new opportunities for Al Qaeda to achieve its
] original, primary goal.

Do you mind expanding on this. How would Kerry impact our relationship with Saudi Arabia?

] It occurred to me the other day that we never learned the
] identities of those who attacked Musharraf at the end of 2003.
] As time goes on, I am increasingly disinclined to believe
] they were the work of al Qaeda. That attacks took place is
] undisputed. But were those "near misses" really failures to
] succeed? Perhaps they were successful failures.

Helping Pakistan develop local support for domestic anti-terror efforts?

RE: Counterattack | Stratfor Weekly

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