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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: - Ellison gives wife rich gift of Oracle stock. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet. - Ellison gives wife rich gift of Oracle stock
by Laughing Boy at 5:21 pm EST, Mar 18, 2004

] Software billionaire Larry Ellison has given his new
] bride a pricey gift of 911,744 shares of his
] company's stock.
] Ellison, chief executive of software giant Oracle, gave
] the shares to his fourth wife, novelist Melanie Craft, on
] March 1, according to a filing Wednesday with the
] Securities and Exchange Commission.
] The shares were worth $11.9 million when Ellison parted
] with them. Oracle's stock has since declined by 9%,
] reducing the value of Craft's holdings to $10.8 million
] Wednesday, based on Oracle's closing price of $11.85 on
] the Nasdaq Stock Market.

If I were her, I'd say "thanks honey, but I'd rather have the cash!" and sell immediately. -LB

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