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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: What happened to Fringeware?. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

What happened to Fringeware?
by Decius at 12:25 pm EST, Mar 10, 2004

] Security experts are expressing alarm at the company's
] plans for the product, set for release at month's end.
] Mike Erwin, Symbiot's president, and Paco Nathan, its
] chief scientist, are preparing for the release by posting
] a set of "rules of engagement for information warfare" on
] the company's Web site. They say such rules should be
] part of corporate security policy to help companies
] determine their exact response to an incoming attack.

Is that the same "Paco Nathan" who used to run Fringeware Review?

RE: What happened to Fringeware?
by ceteri at 12:39 am EDT, Aug 23, 2004

] Is that the same "Paco Nathan" who used to run Fringeware
] Review?

What happened to FringeWare? Our business was based around an independent bookstore in Austin. Then a Barnes & Noble Superstore moved in down the street.

I went broke trying to keep FringeWare open, so I went off to get a job, and ended up working with Rev "Steve" from Church of the SubGenius. Patrick Deese moved to Mexico, started a family and also started some cool businesses in San Miguel. Scot Casey went on to do some other work much in the spirit of FringeWare. Patrick and Scot now have the highly recommended Several of the others from the core group at FringeWare got involved in some survivalist lameness during Y2K.

Hey, the article you've quoted in the previous blog entry, dude that's like the tabloid version. To get the real story, written and edited by software developers, for software developers, check the O'Reilly site: or just check the open source site at

Thanks for the mention of FringeWare. It was a good seven years.

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