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Communication Fustration
by Rattle at 7:17 pm EST, Mar 7, 2004

^X^D -R

Er.. Whatever.

I've been more read then write since hitting the road. As I get my communication infrastructure in order, that will change. Right now, everything is a pain in the ass so I'm focusing more on taking information in and working on strategy.

I'm at locations undisclosed in the Jersey Shore. Its always good to be home. Home is everywhere I've ever been, I think. This place is special for an entirely different set of reasons. This is where I'm from.

As I've walked and driven around, taken sites in, and otherwise, I find myself in awe, of so many things. I'm disturbed by others. Everything feels friendly, more so then ever before. That's a nice change.

I have many emails that are waiting to be sent. I'm lacking an SMTP server that I can use right now. I have this well formed mental block in place against doing certain things, and I've been spending a little too much time depending on others for my communication infrastructure. Sound familiar?

Oh yes. Let it be known, my current mission is simply to assemble several networks. I'm looking for SysOps. Serious ones. Responsible ones. Ones with diverse skills. My definition of that word, is going to require something on the level of a social contract. So I'm not going to try to get into too much depth yet. We have some tools to build.

I've been very busy. This doesn't show any signs of stopping. Rock on.

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