This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Chaos in Haiti. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.
Chaos in Haiti by Elonka at 1:42 am EST, Feb 28, 2004 |
] PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - (KRT) - Thugs robbed motorists at ] gunpoint and thousands of looters plundered warehouses ] Friday as anarchy roiled Haiti's capital. ] At least a dozen bodies were seen on the streets, some shot ] in the head execution-style. Armed Aristide loyalists hijacked ] cars and stripped motorists of valuables. Looters descended on ] the gritty port, fighting with one another and carrying away ] food and appliances. (sigh) I feel awful for those folks. What a nightmare. |
RE: Chaos in Haiti by biochik007 at 10:50 am EST, Feb 28, 2004 |
Elonka wrote: ] ] PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - (KRT) - Thugs robbed motorists at ] ] gunpoint and thousands of looters plundered warehouses ] ] Friday as anarchy roiled Haiti's capital. ] ] ] At least a dozen bodies were seen on the streets, some shot ] ] in the head execution-style. Armed Aristide loyalists ] hijacked ] ] cars and stripped motorists of valuables. Looters descended ] on ] ] the gritty port, fighting with one another and carrying away ] ] ] food and appliances. ] ] (sigh) I feel awful for those folks. What a nightmare. :0 How horrible, I agree I feel so sorry for them, how awful to have to live in that situation :( |