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RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya


RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya
by Acidus at 5:11 pm EST, Feb 20, 2004

Decius wrote:
] Acidus wrote:
] ] And. Yet. Bush. Does. Nothing.
] ?????????????????????
] There are plenty of reasons to be pissed off at the Bush
] administration, but this isn't one of them. Bush is most
] certainly "doing something" about Pakistan.

No Decius, we are not. As I covered in an earlier meme, (, our response upon learning of the sale of Nuclear secrets was: "I don't think it's a matter for the United States to sit in judgment on."

What the hell is that? Not a matter for which the US should sit in Judgement on. I bet thats changed since we found enriched uranium in Iran. The Administration should be talking of harsh recourse against pakistan, and should push for the IAEA to be there finding out the extent of these sales. If we are doing this, then I am certainly worng, but I have seen no mention of us condemming Pakistan in anyway, commenting on the the bullshit pardon of Abdul Qadeer Khan, or any call for any type fo third party to investigate. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but I can't find anything. The only thing I've found even close to that is Bush talking about a expanding proliferation security. (

I agree Pakistan is a delicate matter, but silence is not the answer

RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya

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