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RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya


RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya
by Shannon at 3:00 pm EST, Feb 20, 2004

Acidus wrote:
] ] “A certain amount" of enriched uranium was flown to
] ] Libya from Pakistan on a Pakistani airliner, according to
] ] Tahir.
] ]
] ] The chief financier told investigators that Khan also
] ] said a "certain number" of centrifuges -- sophisticated
] ] machines that can be used to enrich uranium for weapons
] ] and other purposes -- were flown to Libya direct from
] ] Pakistan in 2001-02.
] And. Yet. Bush. Does. Nothing.
] WTF? Here is a country: run by a military leader; is currently
] engaged in its 4th war with India
] ( ; both of
] which who have detonated nuclear weapons
] (
] (; who sponsers
] Kashmir terrorists
] (;
] whose government has sold enriched fucking uranium and
] tools to enrich more uranium to a radical Islamic state,
] Yet. Bush. Does. Nothing!:
] And yet people insist this was a war about WMD, and not other
] reasons.
] 500+ dead American is a damn cheap price for the US to buy our
] own OPEC member and never be faced with an embargo again

Well, I suppose they're not madmen.

RE: MSNBC - Pakistan sold nuclear materials to Iran, Libya

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