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RE: North Dakota 'reduces' pollution by measuring it differently


RE: North Dakota 'reduces' pollution by measuring it differently
by k at 3:11 pm EST, Feb 20, 2004

abaddon wrote:
] inignoct wrote:
] ] ] But suddenly, as of Friday, North Dakota's power-plant
] ] ] emissions have been deemed acceptable by the Bush EPA --
] ] ] despite the fact that no significant efforts have been
] ] ] made to reduce pollution in the state.
] ]
] ] [ awesome! worst. president. ever. -k]
] to be fair I would argue that andrew jackson was the worst
] president ever... but we're racking up the points...
] --Abaddon

[ funny you should mention that, since i just read a thread about him the other day on DailyKos... this guy here makes some compelling arguments that, while they in no way exonerate Jackson, may push him under the Bush line...

either way, as you note, the Bush line is so far from anything i'd consider "OK" that one side or the other gets lost in the noise. -k]

RE: North Dakota 'reduces' pollution by measuring it differently

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