] This weeks illustration was originally slated for the ] cover of this months Popular Science Magazine but it got ] bumped to the interior... too bad... would have loved to ] have seen it in full on cover goodness. DARPA (R&D of ] Defense department, if you didn't already know that) is ] putting together a race of autonomous (robotic) vehicles ] that runs from LA to Las Vegas. Completely remote, no one ] at the wheel. They are recruiting people (these guys are ] serious robot geeks who build and tinker with this stuff ] as a hobby and obsession) to build their own vehicles to ] participate in the race. The vehicles range from ] motorcycles to HumVees. The point of this story is to ] illustrate DARPA's interest in this technology, and that ] they hope to have autonomous vehicles waging war by 2015. ] Mark Pauline eat your heart out. ;-) Some very interesting images and thoughts here. Its really stupid that this website doesn't offer article specific links instead of one link that changes every week. This might be gone when you see it. |